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Governing Body

Hawes Governing body information - Attendance and Interests 2022-23

Governors who have ended their term of office during the academic year 2021-22 or 2022-23

Abbie Rhodes

Chair of Governors

Elaine Naylor

Executive Headteacher

Andrea Caygill

Staff Governor & Head of School

Mike Hirst

Co-Opted Governor

Sarah Clark

Co-Opted Governor

Ellie Bates

Parent Governor

Governors Designation

  • Abbie Rhodes, Chair
  • Dominique Adams, Clerk to the Governors
  • Michael Hirst, Co-Opted Governor
  • Andrea Caygill, Staff Governor & Head of School
  • Sarah Clark - Co-opted Governor
  • Ellie Bates - Parent Governor
  • Elaine Nayler - Executive Headteacher

Our active Governing Body consists of people drawn from local government, staff, parents and the wider community.