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Mrs Marwood is our Special Needs Coordinator. If you have any questions or concerns please come in and discuss them with her.

We recognise that the needs and abilities of individual children differ widely. These needs are identified and catered for. We also recognise that children develop at a differing pace throughout their school lives. A child with special needs is one who experiences learning difficulties which may be temporary or long term. All children work towards targets and follow the National Curriculum at the level appropriate for them.

Our Governing Body is responsible for seeing that children with special needs receive the best possible help.

The designated Governor is Abbie Rhodes.

Special educational provision is educational provision which is additional to or different from the educational provision made generally for children of the same age in schools maintained by the Local Education Authority" (North Yorkshire Guidelines for Special Educational Needs in Schools 2002)

Some children may need an educational health care plan needs but most children with Special Needs (learning difficulties) will not. It is worth noting that up to 1 in 5 children may experience a specific learning difficulty at sometime during their school life. Many of these difficulties once identified are addressed and overcome.

The Special Needs Policy, in line with the school's Equal Opportunities Policy and the DfE Code of Practice gives all children with Special Needs access to the National Curriculum. All our policies are available for parents to read.