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School and British Values


British Values

Our pupils are involved in democratic processes that occur within our school life, eg Voting for House captains and school council, contributing to pupil voice surveys. Many of our KS2 children pupils carrying out a variety of roles, e: House captains, lunch servers, School Councillors, Y6 Buddies, Reading Ambassadors, Maths Ambassadors, Diversity Leaders, Curriculum Leaders, Play Time Buddies, classroom support. Our parents / carers are encouraged to share their views through Parent Forums, Parent View and surveys completed throughout the year.

Individual Liberty

At Hawes Primary School we educate and provide boundaries within which children are actively encouraged to make safe and responsible choices within a supportive environment. Our pupils are taught how to conduct themselves safely when using the internet and e-communications.

The Rule of Law

At Hawes Primary School we have a clearly structured behaviour policy, e-safety policy, anti-bullying policy, equalities policy and child protection policy which all stakeholders understand and follow. Classroom learning and whole school assemblies are delivered with a focus on the law, For example: class rules for learning and behaviour. Whole school assemblies and Whole School Circle Times provide an opportunity to demonstrate examples of this through work sharing and certificates of achievement or problem solving and resolving issues.

Mutual Respect

Our PSHE curriculum and our school Key Values embody the value of mutual respect. For example learning for all, through our broad and balanced curriculum. Team approach to learning through sporting events, class groupings. Our school stakeholders also demonstrate this through their working together and support for each other, For example school staff co-operation, links with PTFA, and Community links.

Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

Our RE curriculum provides a broad and balanced education about a range of faiths, religions and cultures. Our pupils are encouraged to reflect on their own beliefs and those of others in a respectful way through a range of learning experiences. For examples, visitors, pupil discussions, visits to local places of worship, Celebration Assembly. Within our school we have a few pupils and families with additional languages. We celebrate this and actively use their experiences to widen the understanding of all our pupils. For example, classroom visit, storytelling and family celebrations. Through assemblies, ‘Let’s Celebrate Days’ and learning experiences in the classroom, our pupils develop an understanding of a range of cultures to help them prepare for life in modern Britain.

Hawes Primary School Values

These are the key values which we promote across the school

Respect- having a good attitude, listening to everyone, showing respect for themselves and others; respecting the environment and all property.  This is shown through the way we talk to each other in school, including adults. It is evident in the pride we take in our work and how we share our learning on Workshare days. We use the Restorative Practice approach towards resolving difficulties and issues in school.

Friendship –being kindto and caring for others, sharing resources, working cooperatively and showing empathy. Our children develop secure friendships in school. Because of the size of our school, our children are able to develop friendships not only with their class peers but also by sitting in family groups at lunchtimes.

Determination- overcoming challenges and learning from mistakes, showing perseverance with challenges in order to succeed.

Through the classroom ethos and the development of growth mind-sets are children are encouraged to give their best and work hard. We use the motto- ‘Be the best we can be’- to promote determination and the resilience to overcome challenges. 

Independence- being a confident individual with their own strengths and weaknesses, appreciating the diversity and difference of others whilst being self-reliant and capable of doing things by themselves.

We promote difference and diversity recognising that “we are all different but all equal”. We want our children to be proud of their achievements and strengths. We value children as individuals.

Integrity – having the courage to try new things, being proud of them self, know right from wrong and do the right thing even when no one is watching. Through our ethos we promote integrity. We encourage children to take a pride in themselves and their work and this is celebrated and promoted in our Friday Celebration Assemblies. We provide a range of activities sporting, adventurous, musical, creative and residential trips which enable our children to try new things and succeed in order to experience a range of experiences and face their fears and grow in confidence.

Problem solving- being able to adapt to change cope with challenge in a bid to get better, know how to keep safe, courage to make mistakes and learn from them. Throughout our curriculum we provide opportunities for children to solve problems. When we interact with children we aim to support their problem solving skills by asking questions to support thinking rather than giving them answers. Problem solving is developed in all areas of the curriculum including Maths, PE and Topic.