01969 667308

Ethos and Aims

Hawes Primary_prev pics (3)Our Ethos Statement

Hawes Primary School

‘Not just a school; taking learning to other places.’

We aim to enable children to develop the knowledge and skills required to flourish in an ever changing world. We will be an outstanding school based on strong values, striving for excellence, enabling everyone to achieve to their highest potential in all areas of learning and have a life-long love of learning.

We encourage everyone in our community to ‘be the best that they can be’

We aim to:

  • Help all children reach their full potential and raise standards through
    meeting needs. Offering an inspiring and motivational curriculum, which
    children enjoy, are challenged and can experience enriched inclusive
  • Ensure children have self- confidence and independence in learning and
    can apply key skills in English, mathematics and all other areas of the
  • Develop confident, independent individuals who take responsibility for
    their actions and who understand their role in our community and the world
    they share with everybody.
  • Create an ethos of positive behaviours where children can flourish in selfconfidence
    and can deal with or provide solutions to challenges and changes
    they may come across in life.
  • Create an environment of equal opportunity where children can enjoy
    and have personalised programs of support to offer success and involvement
    from parents and the community.

Equal Opportunities

Everyone at Hawes Primary School works to deliver equal opportunities to all. We believe that inclusion, integration, access and support are the right of all individuals without exception.

School and British Values
